
how to become a research assistant

How to Become a Lecturer Assistant. Those of you who enter the world of lectures may be interested in learning how to become a Lecturer Assistant or Assistant. Lecturer assistant is one of the prestigious positions among students. Why is it prestigious? Because they are still students, they are trusted to teach as is done by lecturers.

Not all students can have the opportunity to become Assistant Lecturers, because the requirements or qualifications themselves are not easy to fulfill. Generally, students who can become one of them are those who have good academic achievements. So, if your achievements from the beginning of college to this second are only B.

Of course it is like roasting away from the fire. However, is the Lecturer Assistant intended only for high-achieving students? Or, what are the advantages of being one of these Lecturer Assistants? Then, what are the procedures for becoming a Lecturer Assistant? If this question crosses your mind, then you can read the following information.

Definition of Assistant Lecturer
Before knowing how to become a Lecturer Assistant, those of you who are still unfamiliar with this term must first understand the definition. So, what is called a Lecturer Assistant is someone who is tasked with helping lecturers in student teaching activities.

Most Lecturer Assistants are recruited from students at the college where a lecturer teaches. However, there are times when the Lecturer Assistant does not come from among students but from young lecturers, because recruitment is purely the result of the recommendation of the lecturer concerned.

However, students have a golden opportunity to become Assistant Lecturers from any subject and from any level of education. Why? The reasons are very diverse, some of which are:

1. Become a Peer Tutor
The first reason that makes students have a greater chance or opportunity to become Assistant Lecturers is because it fills the needs of peer tutors. Peer tutors are lecturers or teachers who are the same age or slightly adrift with the students being taught in a class.

Having a peer tutor is quite beneficial, because it can deliver lecture material in a simpler way. Because the peer tutor knows what language and techniques to use to explain what kind of material. So that friends who are his age in class can understand the material well.

In addition, the existence of peer tutors will help students to be more comfortable during class. Because they feel able or taught by their own friends. So that the interaction that occurs is the interaction between friends, which of course is expected to maintain and respect each other's roles.

It's just that, by becoming a peer tutor through the implementation of procedures for becoming a Lecturer Assistant. So this peer tutor is also faced with a condition where students in the class do not pay attention and respect, because they feel they are not dealing with the lecturer so they do not need to hesitate in class.

This is normal, because the character of students is quite diverse. Some tend to be naughty and unruly, and this provides peer tutors with valuable experience. In order to know the best technique for dealing with students with these characters.

2. Candidates for Superior Lecturers
The next reason that makes students have a greater opportunity to become Lecturer Assistants is to become superior prospective lecturers. So that outstanding students are selected, who are then tasked with teaching and learning their peers.

After having experience in teaching, it is hoped that the students' love for teaching will grow. So that he decided to become a postgraduate lecturer. Because anyone who enters a university can pursue the teaching profession without the need to study in a special department such as prospective teachers.

Prospective lecturers who already have achievements and experience maturity are certainly ideal lecturers. It is hoped that they can become the best and extraordinary lecturers, who have made many achievements after pursuing this noble profession.

3. Prospective Alumni Lecturers
Not a few universities have opened up great opportunities for their alumni to become lecturers. This is important to continue the continuity of the college's relay. Higher education institutions will choose superior students, namely those who excel and then become Assistant Lecturers.

After graduating, for example graduating from S1, they are recruited directly to become lecturers at the college as alumni lecturers. Furthermore, it will be given facilities to get scholarships to continue S2, both at the university itself and at other universities.

After graduating from S2, the lecturer is then appointed as a permanent lecturer. This will help ensure that the university has qualified and potential lecturers. It is proven by the academic achievements during his time as a student. So that they can become a lecturer who provides great benefits to the institution.

For example, you can focus more on pursuing a career by occupying a functional position. So that it can increase the assessment of higher education accreditation. Besides that, it also helps students find the best lecturers, have qualified knowledge and long teaching experience.

Through this explanation, of course students have a greater chance to become Expert Assistants. Then, what are the duties and benefits of an Expert Assistant?

Duties of a Lecturer Assistant
In general, Expert Assistants carry out their duties as the lecturers they accompany. It deals with teaching activities and administrative tasks, and here are the details:

1. Lecturer replacement
Replacing lecturers in teaching, so that they have the main task of teaching students in class and generally from among the juniors.

2. Training companion
Becoming a companion for research carried out by students, because it has an equally important role as a companion lecturer. You can help undergraduate students to do research well, as well as provide input when there is the possibility of errors and difficulties during the research.

3. Helping Lecturers to Compile a Syllabus
Helping lecturers to compile a syllabus, this is important to help lecturers prepare a learning syllabus that maximizes learning activities for a full semester.

4. Helping Research Lecturers
Helping lecturers to do research, because Lecturer Assistants will also help lecturers carry out their main duties in research activities. So that you have experience in doing research, and when you become a lecturer in the future you can do your own research more easily because you are experienced.

Benefits of Assistant Lecturers
The task of the Assistant Lecturer is indeed quite interesting and can be quite heavy in the eyes of some people. Moreover, all of these tasks are carried out simultaneously with lecture activities. Given that an Assistant Lecturer from among students has not graduated status, it is necessary to have good time management.

It seems that the struggle to become a professional Lecturer Assistant will not be in vain, because there are many benefits to be had. As:

1. Get Additional Income
The first advantage of being a Lecturer Assistant is that you can get additional income. Because all the tasks that you do as a Lecturer Assistant will be rewarded in the form of money. The nominal amount is certainly not bad for adding pocket money and paying tuition fees.

2. Deepening Science
It will not hurt to have implemented the procedures to become a Lecturer Assistant because if it can be realized. It means that you have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge, because you can teach your juniors the lecture material you have previously obtained. So that they can relearn the material and become more mature.

3. Have lots of friends and acquaintances
Being a Lecturer Assistant can expand relationships while being a student. Not only known among lecturers, but also among students, for being their peer tutors.

4. Have a Good Reputation
Being accepted as a Lecturer Assistant will help you build a good reputation on campus. Because they are guaranteed to be known as smart, resilient, hardworking, creative students, and potential lecturers.

5. Sharpen Time Management Skills
Being busy studying and being added to the assignment as Lecturer Assistant, did create pressure. But this pressure bears sweet fruit, where at a young age you can manage your time very well.

6. Have a portfolio to support a career
Lecturer Assistant is a form of achievement, because it shows that you have had good achievements during college. Putting it on your CV will make it easier to get a job.

How to Become a Lecturer Assistant
At this point, are you increasingly interested in becoming a Lecturer Assistant? Make sure you know exactly how to become a Lecturer Assistant. It turns out that it's not always difficult, and anyone can have the opportunity to become a potential candidate. The easy ways to become a Lecturer Assistant are:

Be a Good Student
The first way to open the gate to become a Lecturer Assistant is to be a good student in class. So, not only relying on academic achievement but also relying on a personality that deserves thumbs up. Because teaching lecture material can be studied and prepared.

So that anyone can teach as long as they have a strong desire and intention. If you have difficulty achieving academic achievement, then focus on being a good student in class. How to? Namely starting with discipline in class, always doing the job optimally, and being an active student.

Through lecture assignments, the lecturer will usually give an assessment, not only in the form of numbers but also assessing the personality of the student. So, think of this college assignment as a treasure. Give your best, so that your assignment becomes the best assignment and gets the attention of the lecturer.

Focus on One Lecturer
Every lecturer has the possibility to recruit a Lecturer Assistant, because there is no lecturer who does not want to be assisted. Lecturers themselves are faced with a lot of tasks and responsibilities. If there is an Assistant Lecturer, then the lecturer shares tasks that help him focus on more urgent tasks.

Since all lecturers have the possibility of needing Assistant Lecturers, don't spread the nets on all lecturers. Just one, so you can focus to the maximum in the eyes of the lecturer. This is easier than having to be the best student in all lecturers.

So, determine which lecturer will be the target. Choose a lecturer who, in your eyes, is the best, most comfortable to discuss with, can be used as a friend, and who also has a great need to have a Lecturer Assistant.

Maximizing Presentation
The way to become the next Lecturer Assistant is to try to maximize yourself when there is a presentation assignment. As a student, he is guaranteed several times or even quite often he gets assignments to be presented in front of the class. For example, the task of compiling papers in groups.

In the end, the lecturer will ask each group to make a presentation. You must be a star in the presentation, to get a golden opportunity to be appointed as an Assistant Lecturer. Why? Because a lecturer needs public speaking skills.

Without it, lecturers will remain silent in front of the class and lecture materials cannot be conveyed properly. Don't fail in your first teaching experience as a Lecturer Assistant. Therefore, the lecturer always chooses students whose public speaking is mature.

What if your presentation or public speaking skills aren't that good? Then it becomes a homework that must be solved, you can handle it first until it is completely cooked. You have the opportunity for one semester to solve it.

You can take part in training, so that every presentation of your abilities gets better. So that when it's ready, you can try to volunteer to become a Lecturer Assistant or wait for the lecturer to deliver his own.

Fostering Good Relationships with Lecturers
The next way is to build a good relationship with a lecturer, namely the lecturer you have chosen as your target. Why is this important? Because by being a quiet and passive student, the lecturer will not know your potential to become a Lecturer Assistant.

Therefore, get to know the lecturer you chose closer. Make sure the lecturer knows your character, your strengths, your achievements, and so on. So that your name is considered by the lecturer to become a Lecturer Assistant.

Establishing polite friendships with lecturers helps you to understand the course material well. As well as having a greater opportunity to be appointed as a Lecturer Assistant. So, don't be quiet students anymore, but students who are outgoing and understand how to socialize.

Become an Active Student in Class
Once again, your activity during your time as a student has a big influence on your efforts to become a Lecturer Assistant. So, besides being active in making friends with the target lecturer, make sure you also be active in class. Be a creative and critical student, always asking and building weighty questions.

This method will make it easier for you to become a golden boy and get the full attention of the lecturer. The goal, of course, is to get a label as active students, creative students, smart students, and so on. All these labels will make your name a potential Lecturer Assistant.

Keep working
Do you feel that the opportunity to become a Lecturer Assistant is getting smaller by only targeting one lecturer? So you can try hard to steal the attention of every lecturer. One of the ways to become a Lecturer Assistant in this way is to achieve maximum performance.

For example, by making achievements for the college where you study. Can participate in competitions, entrepreneurial events from the government, participate in lecturer research, and so on. The more aggressively incised achievements, the easier it is for lecturers to glance at them to be appointed as Assistant Lecturers.

Indeed, to become an outstanding student is not easy, especially if the character of learning is by reading repeatedly. It is not a smart student who reads the module by heart. However, all these efforts bear sweet fruit.

You can become a Lecturer Assistant and get all the benefits described above. So, they have a great desire to be a motivation to be successful as a Lecturer Assistant.

The methods above will help you to get the attention of a lecturer. When considered to be a potential student to become a lecturer, the opportunity to become a Lecturer Assistant is wide open. In addition to providing experience, the Lecturer Assistant also provides income, because teaching activities and other assignments will be paid.

So, you don't have to bother being a side job off campus. Because on campus itself and not far from teaching and learning activities, you can also earn income. So, please consider the several ways to become a Lecturer Assistant mentioned above are certainly not difficult to do.

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